Statistics and Data Science Education
Educational Assessment
Beckman, Burke, Fiochetta, Fry, Lloyd, Patterson, Tang, (in review). Developing Consistency Among Undergraduate Graders Scoring Open-Ended Statistics Tasks. Preprint URL:
Hu, A., Hatfield, N. J., & Beckman, M. D. (accepted). Exploring Individuals’ Computational Thinking with Data. ZDM–International Journal of Mathematics Education.
Phadke, S., Beckman, M. D., & Lock Morgan, K. (2024). Examining the role of context in statistical literacy assessment. Statistics Education Research Journal, 23(1).
Li, Z., Lloyd, S., Beckman, M. D., & Passonneau, R. J. (2023). Answer-state Recurrent Relational Network (AsRRN) for Constructed Response Assessment and Feedback Grouping. Findings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2023.
Lloyd, S. E., Beckman, M., Pearl, D., Passonneau, R., Li, Z., & Wang, Z. (2022). Foundations for AI-Assisted Formative Assessment Feedback for Short-Answer Tasks in Large-Enrollment Classes. In Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on teaching statistics. Rosario, Argentina.
Beckman, M. D., Cetinkaya-Rundel, M., Horton, N. J., Rundel, C. W., Sullivan, A. J., & Tackett, M. (2021). Implementing Version Control With Git and GitHub as a Learning Objective in Statistics and Data Science Courses. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29(1). URL:
Beckman, M. D., delMas, R. (2018). Statistics students’ identification of inferential model elements within contexts of their own invention. ZDM–International Journal of Mathematics Education, 50(7).
Beckman, M. D., delMas, R., and Garfield, J. (2017). Cognitive transfer outcomes for a simulation-based introductory statistics curriculum. Statistics Education Research Journal, 16(2), pp. 419-440. URL:
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(student collaborators in bold)
Hu, A., Hatfield, N., J., Beckman, M., D. (2024). Exploring Individuals’ Computational Thinking with Data. Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual.
Lloyd, S., Beckman, M., D. (2024). Feasibility Study for Developing and Validating an Instrument that Includes Interactions Among Learning Objectives Related to Confidence Intervals. Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual.
Lloyd, S., Beckman, M. (2023). Measuring Statistical Literacy Surrounding Confidence Intervals. USCOTS Research Satellite. University Park, PA.
Lloyd, S. E., Beckman, M., Pearl, D., Passonneau, R., Li, Z., & Wang, Z. (2022). Foundations for NLP-Assisted Formative Assessment Feedback for Short-Answer Tasks in Large-Enrollment Classes. Joint Statistical Meetings. Washington, D. C.
Lloyd, S. E., Beckman, M., Pearl, D., Passonneau, R., Li, Z., & Wang, Z. (2022). Foundations for AI-Assisted Formative Assessment Feedback for Short-Answer Tasks in Large-Enrollment Classes. Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual.
Eisenhauer, E., Beckman, M. (2021). Survey of Attitudes toward Probability. US Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual (COVID-19). URL:
Gong, Y., Pearl, D., Beckman, M., Hatfield, N., Zhang, S. (2021). The value of Log files of students’ interaction with software applications: Replicating a Bayesian Network analysis across multiple years data. US Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual (COVID-19). URL:
Hu, A., Beckman, M., Pearl, D. (2021). Program Evaluation Through Alignment of Student Perceptions, Outcomes Assessment, and Faculty Perceptions in an Undergraduate Statistics Major. US Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual (COVID-19). URL:>
McNamara, A., Legacy, C., Rao, V., delMas, R., Zieffler, A., Beckman, M., Basner Butler, E. (2021). Computing in the Statistics Curriculum: Lessons Learned from the Educational Sciences. US Conference on Teaching Statistics. Virtual (COVID-19). URL:
Yan, W., Pearl, D., Beckman, M. (2019). Assessing Student Conceptual Competencies using Bayesian Networks. US Conference on Teaching Statistics. University Park, PA.
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